Real Estate Litigation

Galloway & Hommel, LLP, provides counsel and real estate litigation services to a range of companies, property owners, investors and individuals. Much of our practice focuses on helping professionals in the real estate industry minimize their risks and deal successfully with both routine and nonroutine legal problems.

Ready to Assist With Michigan Real Estate Disputes

Serving Southfield, Detroit, Royal Oak and many other communities in the Detroit Metro area, we represent clients in a wide range of real estate litigation matters, including:

  • Boundary line disputes and adverse possession — If a neighbor occupies your property for an extended period of time, he or she could gain a legal claim to it.
  • Real estate transaction disputes — Contractual disputes and claims of fraud are common in real estate transactions.  Given the value of your investment in real estate or the process to obtain it, when a dispute arises it is important that you contact a skilled attorney with specific experience handling similar matters.
  • Title disputes— It is not uncommon for to have your ownership interest in real estate challenged by a former owner, a relative, a lien holder, or a neighbor. Our firm will help you pursue a quiet title action to remove any opposing claims to the property.
  • Zoning variances — If your plans require you to deviate from local ordinances, we will help you argue your case and seek permission to use your property in the way you want.
  • Easements and conveyances — Disputes can arise regarding another person's right to use your property (e.g. cross your land or direct surface water), when this happens it is important to work with knowledgeable experienced attorneys to resolve the challenge to your rights to protect your property rights.
  • Commercial lease disputes— It is common for property owners and tenants to come into conflict over a commercial lease regarding rent, allowed uses, and a landlord or tenant's obligations under the lease. We can help.  We provide prelitigation dispute resolution services and also appear in court on behalf of both landlords and tenants.
  • Construction contract and construction defect litigation — Construction defects and contract disputes can lead liens and serious and often acrimonious litigation.
  • New home construction litigation— If your company has been accused of breaching a construction contract, we can help you resolve the situation. If your home was not built correctly or according to plan then we may be able to help.
  • Construction lien disputes — We vigorously represent plaintiffs and defendants in construction lien matters.

Our attorneys have decades of experience helping Michigan residents and companies resolve their real estate disputes. To schedule a consultation with our law firm, call 248-574-4450.

An Experienced and Knowledgeable
Southfield Real Estate Lawyer

The lead in our real estate law practice, T. Scott Galloway, has extensive experience in real estate matters, including service on the Board of Zoning Appeals, Planning Commission and City Council for the city of Ferndale, Michigan. In addition to a comprehensive knowledge of real estate law, he has a practical understanding of the real estate brokerage, property management and construction industries.

Whether your problem involves a title dispute, a major structural defect or a restrictive zoning regulation, you can depend on Galloway & Hommel, LLP, to provide sound advice and responsive client service as we help to resolve the matter.

Experienced Legal Counsel for Your
Significant Real Estate Transaction or Complex Dispute

Our Detroit real estate lawyers are equipped to address real estate matters throughout the state of Michigan. They also have significant experience representing international clients with property interests in our state.

Learn more about our areas of focus in real estate law:

Contact Us About Your Real Estate Concerns

To schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys, call 248-574-4450. We are looking forward to providing you with the guidance you need to resolve your real estate matter efficiently and effectively.

We serve clients throughout the Detroit Metro area.

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